???? Cum poti sa primesti 3 skin uri gratis pe League of Legends?! ???? Live Romania ???? - Video


????Daca vrei sa mi dai si mie un leu????: https://streamlabs.com/andreiyt10
???? promovare/moderator= 3 $????

???? Top 5 Donatori????

????1 xannyxv2 $69.00 ????
????2 BonyBanditu $30.00????
????3 Exotic-Vlad $15.00????
????4 Andrei Veres $10.00????
????5 P4ND4 $9.00????

✔️Alte platforme pe care le folosesc✔️

✔️Canal Secundar: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ8y...​
✔️AmongUs Romania: https://discord.gg/jUW8p2TjYQ​​​​​​​​...​ ✔️
✔️Instagram:https: andrei_spery✔️
✔️Discord: Spery#2003​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​✔️
✔️Server de Discord: https://discord.gg/qNWNaCS ✔️​​​​​​...​
✔️Origin: AndreiYT8✔️
✔️Steam: Spery✔️
✔️TikTok: andrei_spery✔️


????Add Pe Clash: https://link.clashroyale.com/invite/f...​...
????Clan pe Clash Royale: EliteMania
????BrawlStars: AndreiYT81????
????Clan pe BrawlStars: Calutii????
????Cod clan BrawlStars: #YVOQVQ8Q​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​????
????Minecraft: Quriris????
????GTA V: AndreiYT81????
????Roblox: Andrei_YTXPRO????
????Valorant: Spery #2769​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​????


⚙️i5 9400f⚙️
⚙️GTX 1660 Super⚙️
⚙️16 GB de Ram⚙️
⚙️1TB memorie⚙️
⚙️ 240 GB SSD ⚙️

????Periferica ????

????Mouse: Scorpion G957????
????Tastatura: Myria????
????Microfon: Mic-P35????

????Info About Me????

????Porecla: Spery????
????Varsta: 18 ani????
????Culoare preferata????
????Judet: Arges????
????Joc Preferat: Fifa/Rocket League????
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