Cruel Jaws 1995 (Action, Horror film) directed by Bruno Mattei ???? New Terror Surfaces ???? - Video

A small coastal town in Florida becomes the hunting ground for a large tiger shark. As the shark attacks, a group of locals must band together to stop the carnage, uncovering dark secrets and corporate greed along the way. This film delivers a campy homage to classic shark horror. A notorious 'Jaws' rip-off! Directed by Bruno Mattei.

Original title: Cruel Jaws (1995) AKA: Jaws 5

This film is available with Italian audio, and subtitled in many languages

Director: Bruno Mattei
Writers: Peter Benchley, Robert Feen, Bruno Mattei
Stars: David Luther, George Barnes Jr., Scott Silveria, Kirsten Urso
Genres: 90's, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Thriller

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