How Early Can You Take a Pregnancy Test? OBGYN Explains Implantation & Early Pregnancy Symptoms - Video

This week, Sarah Bjorkman, MD, board-certified OBGYN talks about one of the most common question she gets asked: how early can you take a pregnancy test? In this video, TDB review the dreaded two-week wait, explain what happens as an embryo implants, and talk about implantation symptoms and early pregnancy signs. Stay tuned for the end where they share if their EMBRYO TRANSFER worked and their own early pregnancy testing!!

0:00 - Intro
1:57 - Embryo Development and Implantation
5:55 - Early Signs of Pregnancy and Implantation
6:45 - How Early Can You Test?
7:52 - Early Testing After IVF and Embryo Transfer
9:13 - Earliest Test Days!
9:53 - Our Own Early Testing

Also check out our video about Getting Pregnant FAST:
And more details about the two week wait:

Intro Music: A WAY FOR ME - Nicolai Heidlas by Chem Ocampo
Try Not To Cum
pregnancy, trying to conceive, two week wait
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