Incredible Story of an Engineer Who Helped a Homeless Widow - Video

The story of a widow and orphans who live in a hut in the mountains, this family has a hard life, they are homeless, they are poor. Engineer Mahmoud, who always came, helped this family, gave food, gave blankets, gave good help to this family. Engineer Mahmoud's father, who had seen the widow, liked her. Today, the engineer's father came to visit this family and he came with a hand full of food and fruits and gave them to the widow and the orphans, they were happy. This family was starving due to lack of money and poverty, they have no money to buy food. Today, engineer Ahmed made this family happy by bringing food. Thank you for watching our video????????????♥

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#The_happiness_of_widows_and_orphans_of_the nomads
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nomadic life, Orphans' happiness, nomadic family
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