Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan In Peace Mission In Tanzania For Sustainable Development ,Strong East Africa - Video

Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan In Peace Mission In Tanzania For making Tanzania , East African Countries & Whole African Countries Sustainable Developed & ,Strong UNITED AFRICA..
Expressed Gratitude to Hon'be President Of Tanzania Her Excellency Madam Samia Suluhu Hassan , Hon'ble Vice President His Excellency Philip Isdor Mpango , Hon'ble Prime Minister His Excellency Kassim Majaliwa Majaliwa i , Former Prime Minister Mizengo K Peter Pinda , Bishop Dr. Burton Sauloyuda From Dare Eshalem , Bishop Dr. Eliah Edward Mauza from Dodoma & several other Kings , VIPs , Government authorities Of Tanzania & all Participants of our Teaching & Training Program & awardees of Honoris Causa Doctorate Degree , D.Th ,B.Th Certificates & awards Certificates Awardees .

His Eminence The Chief Apostle Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan The Patriarch is the Founder & Chairman Of The American University For Global Peace USA ; CHAIRMAN CUM CHIEF RECTOR OF UNITED NATION UNIVERSITY – USA ( UNUGP USA ) , Cum The Chairman Of UNITED NATION GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION ( UNGDO ) & The Chairman Of DIPLOMATIC MISSION ;
Email –[email protected] & [email protected] [email protected] ; [email protected], ,, Email –[email protected] & [email protected] [email protected] ; [email protected]
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Our Mission & Vision is to UNITE ALL GLOBAL CITIZENS & to Establish Global Peace to build a Transformed Civilization of “ PEACE LOVING – PEACE LIVING –PEACE PRACTICING “ World wide For The Sustainable Development For All Nations . Our intention is not to hurt any section , Cast , creed , denominations , faith groups of our Global Citizens .
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