Rogue Ninja | SAMURAI VS NINJA | English Sub - Video

In the village of Iga, amidst the ongoing conflict with Koga, lives Uragami, a young girl who is the strongest shuriken master in the village, utilizing secret ninjutsu passed down to only a select few through generations. Bound by the strict ninja code, she navigates the perilous world of the shinobi. Upon completing her mission and returning to the village, she learns from her brother, Kino, that several skilled lower-ranking ninjas have been murdered. Suspecting the dubious actions of the head of the lower ninjas, Uragami's turmoil deepens when her childhood friend Kamari is ambushed and captured by an unknown assailant. Despite knowing that defying orders means she can never return to her village, Uragami sets out alone to rescue him. Surrounded by countless enemies and unable to move, can she save Kamari? Is the traitor among their own ranks? No matter who it is, even if it's someone she trusts, the traitor will never be forgiven!

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SAMURAI VS NINJA is a brand, which offers more than 500 movies and period dramas featuring the samurai and ninja content. Our channel features free-to-watch TV dramas and main stories where samurai and ninja battle with swords, including iconic films like the famous ZATOICHI, as well as ZANKURO, a masterpiece by Ken Watanabe. We update new contents on YouTube channel every day and our subscription service offers exclusive titles that are not available on YouTube.

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