The Hindu Daily News Analysis || 01 March 2023 || UPSC Current Affairs || Mains & Prelims '23 - Video

Prestroming Batch VI -

In this video, we have discussed the essential news articles from different editions of "The Hindu" News Paper. This video decodes relevance of each article by comprehensively linking with UPSC syllabus, background for the article, present context, and 360-degree analysis of each article for UPSC Prelims and Mains dimensions.

At the end of the video, a Practice-cum-Revision session on UPSC Previous/Model MCQs is available, and Model/Previous Mains Questions are discussed/given for your practice.

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Time Stamping
►►Introduction - 00:00
►►List of Topics - 00:30
1. Proton beam therapy out of reach for many with cancer (What is proton beam therapy, how it is better than conventional radiation therapy) - 00:53
2. Portal opened for complaints against decisions of social media platforms (Grievance officer, Grievance Appellate Committee) - 05:39
3. Border troubles (Good Friday agreements, Northern Ireland Protocol, Windsor agreement) - 10:14
4. Coimbatore could be a trend-setter in promoting start-up cultured (Criteria for startup, who recognizes startups in India) - 15:37
5. ISRO successful in key test for India’s third moon mission (Chandrayaan-3) - 18:08
6. Over 9,000 Janaushadhi Kendras in country: Minister (PMBJP) - 22:26
7. India should stick to the middle path in the new world disorder (Evolution of India’s foreign policy, Current global situation) - 25:04
8. A thumbs down for the ‘Adopt a Heritage’ scheme (monument mitra scheme, problems associated with the scheme) - 34:58
9. Prelims Practice Questions - 41:16
10. Mains Practice Questions - 44:49

Important topics such as #windsorframework #PMBJP #protonbeamtherapy #multialignment #monumentmitras #newstarttreaty #TheHindunewspaperanalysis #DailyCurrentAffairs #USPC #IAS #UPSC #Currentaffairs #UPSCCurrentAffairs #UPSCCSE2023 #upsc #thehinduanalysis #currentaffairstoday #DailyNewsSimplified #UpscThehindunewspaper #Currentaffairsforupsc #thehindutoday #Thehindutodayanalysis #TheHindueditoral #Thehindunewstoday #Currentaffairstoday #CurrentAffairsUPSCAnalysis are vividly discussed in UPSC Civil Services Exam Perspective in this video, with a special Practice cum Revision session in the end.

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