Title - The Paths I Once Walked
By @AshokSawhnySahil.
Video Artist - Ujala Saroj
#ashoksawhnysahil #englishpoetry #poetry
The Paths I Once Walked
I have never forgotten the paths I walked
And the roads I cycled too
Through seasons and the weathers all
Through storms and freshly laden dew.
Along the way were hyacinths
And beds of roses too
They all had thorns and prickly ones
The flowers were the colour blue.
The daily ride was never a chore
For school and college were great
Algebra was a little challenge
But not enough to hate.
Time flew like never before
And the world beckoned the ‘me’
To do what we all have to:
Make ends meet, however that may be.
The years went by, not seamlessly
But the spirit was called fortitude
Never gave up, never ever will
There’s a tiger similitude.
Life’s no bed of roses
Even for those with golden spoons
However royal they well may be
The voice within, softly, croons.
Carry, we must, at all times
That spirit which keeps us going
As we do between night and day
Swing, to-ing and fro-ing.
By @AshokSawhnySahil.
Video Artist - Ujala Saroj
#ashoksawhnysahil #englishpoetry #poetry
The Paths I Once Walked
I have never forgotten the paths I walked
And the roads I cycled too
Through seasons and the weathers all
Through storms and freshly laden dew.
Along the way were hyacinths
And beds of roses too
They all had thorns and prickly ones
The flowers were the colour blue.
The daily ride was never a chore
For school and college were great
Algebra was a little challenge
But not enough to hate.
Time flew like never before
And the world beckoned the ‘me’
To do what we all have to:
Make ends meet, however that may be.
The years went by, not seamlessly
But the spirit was called fortitude
Never gave up, never ever will
There’s a tiger similitude.
Life’s no bed of roses
Even for those with golden spoons
However royal they well may be
The voice within, softly, croons.
Carry, we must, at all times
That spirit which keeps us going
As we do between night and day
Swing, to-ing and fro-ing.
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