Why Biden Just Sent Thousands of Troops to Europe - Video

While the rest of the world continues to call for diplomacy and negotiations between Russia and the U.S. over the threat of a Russian invasion into Ukraine, the Biden Administration is signaling war. The President has just ordered an additional 3,000 troops to Europe on top of the 8,500 that had previously been ordered.

ACLJ Senior Military Analyst Wes Smith explained how sending more troops is not necessary:

"There’s a 40,000 multi-national force – the NATO Response Force – which has not been activated. Our troops that are being sent, are being sent by U.S. orders. NATO has not requested them. I think what he is trying to do is show a force. . . . I think the other thing that is going on in the Administration’s mind is that Germany is such a weak NATO ally, and the countries in the eastern side of Europe . . . they are much more pro-U.S. and very anti-Russia. So, I think he’s sending the troops to Romania and Poland in order to create more unity with our eastern NATO members trying to cover up and compensate for the fact that Germany is such an unreliable ally. . . . You don’t send combat troops anywhere unless you intend to use them in a combat role."

Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby announced troop deployment and gave the following justification:

"These movements are unmistakable signals to the world that we stand ready to reassure our NATO allies to deter and defend against any aggression."

Shouldn’t our NATO allies be reassuring us right now? Why are we reassuring them when it’s in their backyard and they have not called up any of their forces?

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