Dynamic Circuits | Coding with Qiskit 1.x | Programming on Quantum Computers - Video

In episode 5 of "Coding with Qiskit 1.x," Derek Wang explores dynamic quantum circuits. By incorporating classical processing within the coherence time of qubits, dynamic quantum circuits can reduce circuit depth and enable quantum error correction. As an example, Derek implements the long-range CNOT gate teleportation circuit--demonstrated in a recent paper by IBM Quantum--with new classical processing features of Qiskit 1.x. A challenge for you: see if you can beat the long-range CNOT gate fidelity presented in the paper!

Qiskit Resources:

Link to notebook: https://github.com/derek-wang-ibm/coding-with-qiskit/blob/main/episode-5-dynamic-circuits.ipynb

IBM Quantum blog post: https://ibm.com/quantum/blog/quantum-dynamic-circuits

IBM Quantum Nature paper on error correction: https://ibm.com/quantum/blog/nature-qldpc-error-correction

The notebook example is based on our paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.13065

Classical feedforward and conditional logic in dynamic circuits documentation: https://docs.quantum.ibm.com/build/classical-feedforward-and-control-flow

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