What Do You Think Women Are Better At Than Men? ???????? - Video

1. Massive blood loss without dying.
2. Finding things in the fridge that men swear did not exist until that moment.
3. Standing in the shower with the water temperature turned all the way up to liquid magma—seriously, how is it even possible?
4. Handwriting.
5. Enduring the ravages of long-term space flight. Women lose muscle mass slower than men; there are video examples of female astronauts walking after re-entry when their male crew members have to be carried due to muscle atrophy.
6. Going to the doctor when something is wrong.
7. Having babies.
8. Making things more comfortable—whatever your room, house, car, etc., is lacking, she'll be able to identify it and find the perfect thing to fix the problem.
9. Personally, as a man, I would prefer a female doctor. They have more compassion and are better listeners.
10. My wife has a freaky ability to remember everything.
11. Pain tolerance—I'm a tattoo artist.
12. Living longer.
13. This will get buried this late, but women make much better skydivers than men. They listen to instructions better, are more flexible (skydiving is an art of air yoga), and work through their emotions better. I've seen a thousand boyfriends laugh at their significant other freaking out while filling out a 14-page waiver. Guess who's freaking out when the plane door opens at 10,000 ft with all that loud wind and chaos? And guess who worked through her fear on the ground and happily steps out of the plane with an excited smile every single time? It's also only a woman who will show up to a drop zone alone to go skydiving. Men only come in groups. Shame so few go on to get licensed; either instructors hit on them, licensed jumpers do, or their significant other guilts them into quitting.
14. Organizing—women should be generals and run logistics because they own that.
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